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HVAC School - For Techs, By Techs

Oct 26, 2023

Skilled trades entrepreneur Tommy Mello joins the podcast to talk about creating a business where everyone wins: business owners, employees, vendors, AND customers.

Tommy's main motivations in business are relationship-building and helping employees make a good living. Those motivations contribute to the development of...

Oct 19, 2023

Refrigeration Mentor Trevor Matthews returns to the podcast to share some of his tips for supermarket rack service. The supermarket refrigeration world is ripe with high-paying opportunities and uses similar skills that HVAC technicians use daily.

Switching from HVAC to refrigeration will require a little bit more...

Oct 17, 2023

In this short episode, Bryan covers traps, vents, and drains. He explains some common misconceptions and best practices for fabricating drains, especially in residential and light commercial structures in Florida.

Cleanouts and vents are commonly confused with each other, and people often cap vents and leave cleanouts...

Oct 12, 2023

HAVEN IAQ founder and CEO Kevin Hart returns to the podcast to discuss cracking the home health comfort code, diving into IAQ’s illusory ideals.

Even though the industry has been generating well-thought solutions to common problems, it’s difficult to put those solutions into practice on a large scale. As a result,...

Oct 10, 2023

In this short podcast episode, Bryan goes over a few tubing insulation tips. Tubing insulation is also commonly known as Aeroflex, Armaflex, and Thermaflex—all brand names for black copper line set insulation.

We typically have to insulate just the suction line in typical residential split HVAC systems, but you'll...