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HVAC School - For Techs, By Techs

Apr 30, 2020

In this psychrometric basics podcast, Bryan and Kaleb talk about the properties of air. They also discuss dry-bulb, wet-bulb, dew point, and relative humidity. Psychrometrics is the study of the relationship between air and its properties.

The psychrometric chart can be a bit intimidating, but you can use it in a...

Apr 28, 2020

Many contractors make a huge pricing mistake: confusing markup with margin. The distinction between those two things can be the difference between being profitable and losing it all.

If you want to mark up something that costs $10 by 50%, you multiply it by 1.5 to get $15. So, did we make a 50% gross margin? No; we only...

Apr 23, 2020

In this podcast, Ron Saunders from Fresh-Aire UV comes on and answers questions about UVC. He clears up misconceptions and pulls no punches. Fresh-Aire UV (Triatomic Environmental) used to manufacture and sell ozone solutions, but the business evolved to sell UV and carbon-based IAQ solutions.

UV lights exist on a...

Apr 19, 2020

In this free-flowing conversation, the Trethewey family talks about growing up with This Old House, what the show is like behind the scenes, what Rich misses about the past, what the future holds for the trade, and some nerdy specifics between Bryan and Ross.

The show business is a collaborative effort between...

Apr 16, 2020

Two of the great air and infiltration expert minds of our time, Gary Nelson and Steve Rogers from TEC (The Energy Conservatory), come on the podcast to talk about blower doors. They also discuss blower door testing and how it compares to real-life infiltration.

A blower door has a fan to measure the air flowing through...