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HVAC School - For Techs, By Techs

Aug 29, 2018

How does a vacuum pump work? When should you change the oil? What does that oil do anyway? Kevan Mayer of NAVAC comes on the podcast to answer these questions and more in this episode.

Vacuum pumps help remove moisture and non-condensables from the system. Moisture can freeze at temperature drops in the system, and it...

Aug 28, 2018

In today's short podcast episode, Bryan covers some tips about HVAC/R service valves and caps for new technicians. While service valves may seem simple, there are some things you should know about them before you handle them in the field.

Before you connect your gauges, ask yourself if you even need to connect gauges....

Aug 23, 2018

Jamie Kitchen returns to the podcast and talks all about hard shut off TXVs/TEVs. He discusses bleed and non-bleed valves and why the TXV type matters to your compressor.

When it comes to TXVs, there are two main types: bleed and non-bleed. The former may be referred to as a bleed TXV, and the latter may simply be...

Aug 21, 2018

In today's podcast, we cover why both compressor and evaporator superheat matter. We also address some common confusion related to each.

Evaporator and compressor superheat are two different readings that give you different indicators about the system's health. When you look at evaporator superheat, you see how far you...

Aug 16, 2018

In today's podcast, Jim Bergmann joins us to talk about evacuation. He discusses pulling a vacuum, conductance speed, microns, core removal, decay rate, and all that other nerdy vacuum stuff. Jim has helped develop some new BluVac hoses with AccuTools, and he's here to explain why we need those. He also explains why...